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              The organizers of the award ceremony, Aso Communications Limited, publishers of News in Africa Magazine after a concise and prudent survey carefully chose recipients in various categories for the 2008 edition of the Excellence Merit Award. It came to us as a surprise of the century when, having considered all the activities of Chaplain Festus and the officers of Chaplains Fellowship of Nigeria Inc., Northeast Regional Command, he was chosen under the religious and humanitarian category. We did not know that somebody somewhere was taking notice of our activities. We give all the glory to God Almigty.

              The Award Ceremony took place on the 6th of August 2008 in Abuja the beautiful capital city of the Federal Republic of Nigeria amidst very important personalities. It was a moment of sober reflection as we thought of the eternal reward God has reserved for His people. If this could be that glorious, how will God’s day of reward be?

               It is written – “Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” -  II Corinthians 5:9, 10. (KJV)

              We won’t live forever in this present world. One thing is sure – a day of departure – for this world is not our home. If Jesus does not come first, death will come. On individual bases, we all will appear before our Creator to receive reward for our labour. Some to eternal joy and others to everlasting contempt – Matthew 25:46. – “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.”

              We had a glance of what the day of reckoning would look like as we witnessed the ceremony. Consider and reconsider what your eternal reward would be. The recipients were called one after the other and a short citation given on them before the presentation of a beautiful plaque and a certificate of merit. A kind of peace swept through the Better Life Women Development Center conference hall (venue of the occasion) as Chaplain Rev. Festus (fully dressed in his chaplain ceremonial uniform), was called and he stood tall on the podium for the reading of his citation. A Chaplain per excellence who has lived sacrificially for the less privileged in the society. One who does his work without any string attached. After a penetrating and insightful citation, he was presented with the beautiful plaque and a certificate of merit. 



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